Our medium-term strategy
Insight MAT Strategic Plan
This medium-term plan sets out the key objectives which, if successfully met, will lead to the Trust’s growth, both in terms of the number of schools considering or actively joining the Trust and in terms of its overall effectiveness and capacity. We have an unswerving focus on the students and communities served by academies within the Trust. Whilst ensuring that systems, structures and regulatory measures are in place to facilitate the effective development of our Trust, we never lose our focus on the most important aspect:
Our young people and the communities in which they live are at the heart of the work of the Trust and its Academies. We are tireless in our ambition to ensure our young people receive the best of support, guidance and teaching in order that their life chances are truly enhanced and that the doors of the world are open to them.
The Trust has been in operation since 2016. It is an ‘empty MAT’ at present, with Sir Graham Balfour School its sole academy. Whilst is has always been the ambition to expand the Trust since its inception, there have been two key barriers to achieving this goal; the first: financial constraints as a result of regional funding disparities led to an inability to devote sufficient leadership time to this goal and second: the Covid pandemic of the last two years meant that most developmental work was put on hold whilst managing the school through the crisis.
From September 2022 the Insight MAT Board has created capacity to appoint a dedicated part-time Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer, whose key roles revolve around the expansion of the MAT and the successful hand-back of Sir Graham Balfour School to the Trust, away from its current PFI partners, by December 2026.
Over the coming three years we intend to move our Trust forward by focusing on the following objectives:
- Governance and Leadership
- Infrastructure and HR development
- Learning and Teaching
- Curriculum and Assessment
Objective 1: Governance and Leadership
- To seek out and admit suitably skilled and experienced Trustees to join the MAT Board, and ensure they are confident and effective in their role.
- To invest in leaders at all levels within the MAT ensuring that are well equipped to inspire, lead, manage and challenge others to make changes, leading to improved outcomes for students and manage succession challenges effectively.
- To plan and implement student leadership opportunities, ensuring full engagement from staff and students.
- To support and promote a culture within the MAT which is supportive and respectful of staff workload and well-being
- To actively prepare for and then seek to expand the Trust by welcoming schools or academies into the MAT and/or by opening a free school.
Success Criteria
- Trustees have access to an induction and training package which aids significantly their knowledge and understanding of the MAT and its objectives.
- Headteachers and school leaders make a positive contribution to MAT priorities as evidenced in performance management and school development plans
- MAT schools have identified a range of student leadership opportunities and recruited student leaders accordingly
- Staff surveys evidence that the Trust is mindful of workload and well-being
- Systems, structures and documentation are in place and active steps are in place to welcome other schools into the MAT
Objective 2: Infrastructure and HR Development
- To source appropriate, effective and cost-effective support (including financial/budget planning) to aid the further development of leadership and governance across the Trust.
- To establish and embed the work of the Central Officers’ Team and its range of services on offer to schools considering joining the Trust
- To develop timeline, principles and priorities necessary for the successful handback of PFI contract pertaining to Sir Graham Balfour School.
Success Criteria
- Trustees and Leaders at all levels have opportunities and time to further their knowledge and skills in keeping with the core objectives of the Trust.
- There is clear definition in the roles of the Central Officers and individual academy staff.
- A dedicated Trust website is developed to signpost the Trust’s work and offer.
- The list of Trust services is established and accessible.
- Clear rationale and principles are in evidence of the steps necessary for the successful handback of PFI contract relating to Sir Graham Balfour School.
Objective 3: Learning and Teaching
- To establish and embed a set of core, research-informed pedagogical principles across the Trust which underpin learning and teaching and professional development
- To agree and implement a common approach to the quality assurance of learning and teaching, ensuring a positive approach to learning and teaching conversations which value openness, willingness to try new things and the sharing of best practice.
- To establish, support and embed a genuine culture of collaboration, where staff in a range of different roles are given opportunities to work together for the ultimate benefit of our students.
Success Criteria
- Insight MAT principles of Learning and Teaching are embedded in all Learning and Teaching documentation and practices.
- Professional development within Insight MAT schools is evidence-informed and aligns with our core principles of Learning and Teaching
- Drawing on best practice, a common approach to Quality Assurance supports accurate evaluation of Learning and Teaching across all MAT schools
- Curriculum projects are showcased, and their impacts shared across the Trust
- The evaluation of Teaching and Learning across all schools is at least good as evidenced by internal moderation, peer reviews or external verification
Objective 4: Curriculum and Assessment
- To develop and embed a, rich, research-informed, rigorous and coherent curriculum through professional collaboration which is effectively implemented for the benefit of all students within the Trust.
- To establish approaches to assessment and feedback across schools within the MAT which will drive academic improvement through the facilitation of collaboration, sharing best practice and supporting staff workload
- To align approaches to assessment ensuring they are consistent and robust and use a common language enabling accurate evaluation of the performance of individual students, student groups and subjects both within individual schools and across the Trust
Success criteria
- Quality Assurance shows that the Insight MAT principles of a broad academic curriculum, with the subject curriculum intent known and understood by staff and students, is embedded within Insight MAT schools.
- Quality Assurance shows that impactful formative assessment is embedded within lessons with feedback that is actionable and moves learning forward.
- High quality assessments identify gaps in student learning, cohorts for intervention and accurately benchmark performance against statutory school performance measures.